Sunday, November 18, 2012

Translating for Ben's teaching in the church

The Titus Project team, a few Chileans, and I at the famous flower clock in Vina

  Dear Friends & Family,
  What an incredible last few weeks it has been!  I am truly amazed thinking back on it all, and for that reason I’m not sure what words to describe it to you. But I will do my best :)
   God really surprised me in a lot of ways this month! As a school, we welcomed a YWAM team from the U.S. to teach the Bible for two weeks as a part of their outreach from a school called the Titus Project. They taught various topics ranging from the Biblical overview, how to prepare a teaching, learning styles, and overall imparted a passion for the study of God’s Word.
  As excited as I was to receive fellow American’s and YWAMers at the base here, their presence alone implied major participation on my part. That is to say, I would have to switch from translating Spanish to English to translating English into Spanish, a feat more challenging, not to mention one I hadn’t anticipated taking on just yet! But if there is anything that I have learned from my time here in Vina, it is that God can give anyone the strength as well as the passion to do something when He is the One who has called them to do it!
  Several weeks ago someone encouraged me with this passage:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” –Joshua 1:9
 This is so much easier said than done, but it is true nonetheless.  I have often found myself scared to death of doing something, not realizing the opportunity I am missing out on because I allow that fear to take precedent over my relationship with God. Why do I do that? Why do we do that? Why is it so hard sometimes to trust God when we say we believe that He is capable? This is still a continuous learning process for me, but I know that I am not alone, and I am so thankful for that!
  I want to encourage you all by testifying that our God is greater than our fears, and that by trusting Him with those fears He is able and willing to open amazing opportunities! I didn’t think that I could do this thing, translate from English to Spanish, having had no formal training, simply picking up the language as I went along. But God chose to use me…me! And when I was willing to be used, He blessed me more than I could have imagined!
  I now have more confidence and encouragement to speak and translate Spanish, as well as newfound friends that I believe will last for a long time because of all that we experienced together. And overall, it is such a good reminder to remember that it is not about me-my talents or abilities. It is about loving others, and that usually means doing things you may not be comfortable with at first, but in the long run they are for your own good. How awesome is it that we have a God who knows what is best for us?!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

"The old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Cor. 5:17b)

Greetings to everyone in the States, Denmark, Malaysia, and beyond! Fall is my favorite time of the year-I love how everything changes and the way the colors become more vibrant and breathtaking.  Unfortunately, here in Chile the seasons are reversed and instead of fall we are welcoming spring, which implies a mixture of rain and sunshine as summer gets closer. However, nothing is like a good Ohio fall! Those of you in that part of the world, you have my permission to enjoy it a little more for my sake!

After a lot of waiting, preparing, and praying for the Foundations of Counseling Ministry school, as of September 12th we welcomed 9 students to the opening of the what is a time to receive new things from God: “…the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor.5:17b). This is the word the directors of the school received as the promise of all the new things that God wants to do in our lives as we seek His holiness and restoration. Just before the opening, I was able to travel to Pichilemu, the city where I did my own DTS and Counseling school, for the wedding of a friend at the YWAM base there.

It was such an encouragement for me to be able to visit friends; to catch up on each other’s’ lives, eat empanadas, get dressed up for the wedding on the beach, and just relax a little bit. It was truly a refreshing time, albeit short,but overall a reminder that I am where I need to be, here in Vina del Mar, serving with this YWAM base.
Over a month since my arrival, I have now become much more comfortable and acquainted with things around here! For example, I now know how to navigate myself around the city in a bus-where to get off and get on-as well as how to get to the store, mall, and marketplace (all very important locations!) I was so ready for the school to start in order to have more of a routine and a daily schedule. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we crave to be left alone and unhindered by the pressures of a schedule, whereas other times we need the push of a calendar to keep us motivated and on track? Needless to say, I am thankful the school has finally started!
The school is comprised of 9 students: two married couples, one local pastor, and four singles. Including the 7 members of staff, the school is a representation of 7 nations: Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, England, and the United States! It is so cool to see how people from such diverse backgrounds come together with a unified purpose and passion-to know God and to make Him known throughout the world! In the Foundations for Counseling Ministries School, the focus is centered on inner healing and restoration. The school consists of intensive classes founded on Biblical principles and teachings, as well as growth in small groups, intercession and praise and worship sessions, etc. As ministers and missionaries, if we want to be equipped to heal and restore peoples and nations, we first must undergo a healing of our own.
On a more personal level, God has been revealing things to my heart in a way like never before. I have heard these teachings and have gone through the discipleship, but this time is different, and it truly is a time to receive the new things He wants to bring to my life! The most amazing thing is to realize that God chose to use me, to bring me to a place where He wants me to be in order that I may grow more in Him. And sometimes the best place to grow in Him is to be where I am most vulnerable, so that I depend on His strength. I know that a lot of you can relate with this feeling, or this understanding, that sometimes it is necessary to be put completely outside of our comfort zones, not to second guess God, but to draw even closer to Him. I want to encourage you, that if you are going through a time of fire, know that God is refining you because it is for the best, and it is to bring out the best in you! But it is a process that takes time, and sometimes more time than we would like or prefer. Don’t try to waste the time that God has given you, wishing it away or wishing for a more comfortable time to come. God has a purpose, even if it is simply to show you more of Himself, He has a purpose, and His plan is perfect. This has been very comforting to me as I have struggled with feelings of loneliness, worry, anxiety that I am taking a wrong step, or just discomfort in being in a different place. I miss all of you; friends, family, church-family, etc., but I know that God moves us and guides us with our best interests at heart. Even when it doesn’t make sense!
I want to ask you to be praying for some different needs, personally as well as here at the YWAM base:
·         To be able to finish with the construction of two bathrooms, one for men and the other (obviously) for women. In total, we are 18 people sharing one bathroom, which includes the shower and sink-everything! While this has been a great opportunity for growing in patience, it would be really wonderful to have more available toilets and showers!
·         For the finances of the base, school, as well as individual students. Everyone is equally challenged in the area of finances, which affects the amounts that can be paid for the use of water, electricity, and gas. Please pray for a miracle in the area of finances, that people will be able to have what they need.
·         For health and safety-thankfully, I have never gotten sick other than a slight sensitivity to certain meat (which I will no longer be eating!). There are two pregnant mothers’ on the base as well, all sharing one bathroom! Please pray for the protection of their bodies and the babies they are carrying.
·         Please pray that I continue to grow in my Spanish abilities, both speaking as well as translating. It has been a rough ride getting back into the practice of translating and speaking Spanish all the time, but it has been getting better!
·         Overall growth and discernment for the ways in which God is leading. Basically, I have no idea what is to come after this school, so please pray for God to speak clearly to me, and that I may be sensitive to hearing His voice.
As always, thank you for taking the time to catch up on my life! It is a such a blessing for me to be able to write to all of you and share what is going on. Also, please feel free to write me with any updates or news…I would love to hear from you! Thanks again for sharing with me in the things that God is doing here in Chile as well as around the world. I love you all and miss you! Have a wonderful day!
-Love, Dawn Marie


Monday, August 27, 2012

What life has been like…


I cannot believe the time has flown by so quickly! July was literally a whirlwind of emotion and busyness with the excitement of my brother Jared’s wedding as well as all the preparations for departing from Minerva, Ohio. And now here I am in Vina del Mar, Chile, while my parents and youngest sisters are half-way across the world in Malaysia! Saying good-bye to them was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was always used to being the one to say good-bye and then get on a plane which took me thousands of miles away—not the other way around. But I can honestly say that I am so happy and excited for my family and all that God is doing in and through them!

After the house in Minerva was clean and empty, I spent another week in Ohio visiting friends and family one last time before flying down to visit my best friend, Kimberly, in Georgia. Kimberly and her husband have a beautiful 2-month old son named Parker Thomas, with whom I had the pleasure of spending time with before heading further south. As we said our good-byes at the Atlanta airport, again I never realize how much I am going to miss someone until we find ourselves so very far away. It seems to be both a blessing as well as a curse, having so many friends in different places. I feel like I am always saying goodbye to someone, but then saying hello to another. And while change can be the promise of something new and exciting, it is always a little bit scary at first.

My travels took me from Atlanta, GA to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, then all the way down to Bogota, Colombia, until reaching the final destination of Santiago, Chile. Amazingly, I was able to sleep most of the flight from Bogota which took off at 10:10 pm and landed in Chile at 5 am the next morning. Everything so far had been smooth sailing until I couldn’t find my suitcases in baggage claim. For some odd reason, every time I fly to Chile a bag gets lost or misplaced somewhere else in the airport. This time, however, my bags were a day late, having something to do with changing airlines in Florida. Oh well, I thought, at least now I won’t have to maneuver myself and two large suitcases through the bus terminal of Santiago alone. With just my backpack and a personal bag, I found my way all by myself to the bus station and then to the city of Vina del Mar, where when I got off the director of the YWAM base, and my dear friend, Gabriela was waiting for me. What a blessing it was to see a familiar face! From the terminal we caught a bus (or micro as their called here), 15 minutes outside of the center of the city where the base is located in a smaller neighborhood. Well, not really small, just further away. I realized that for the first time I need to learn how to navigate my way around the city if I ever want to go to a mall (because there are two, complete with movie theaters!), the beach, or a supermarket. A scary thought at first, but more exciting when I think about visiting the city and all there is to do there.

As you can see from the following pictures, the base is still under construction: finishing bedrooms, bathrooms, and general fix-ups everywhere. At the same time, seeing how far it has come in a short time is incredible, and I am really excited to be able to help in the process of getting everything ready for the start of the school September 12, 2012. So far, there are 11 confirmed students, including a couple from Argentina/England, so I know I will at least have one person to translate for! Besides interpretation, my other duties will include leading worship, women’s sports, and overseeing curfew, which are all responsibilities I have had before, so I’m excited to be able to do them again.



Prayer points

· Health: Pray against any sickness or fatigue as the weeks get busier and the schedule more demanding.

· Safety: The base is located in a poorer, semi-dangerous part of the city. I have been advised not to go walking alone at night, but assured that during the day there is nothing for which to be worried.

· Homesickness: The first two days of being here, I experienced extreme culture shock and homesickness; for both people and places more familiar. Each day has gotten better, and I have already begun to feel more comfortable with the other base staff.

· Growth

o Spiritually

o As a leader

o In the language (Spanish)

o As a translator

o In navigating around the city

 I want to thank all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue following God’s direction and disciple others to do the same. It is truly amazing to look back on all He has done in my life thus far, and I consider it a blessing to be able to be a witness of His faithfulness to you and to everyone I come in contact with. I am deeply humbled and encouraged knowing I have people supporting and encouraging me back home as well as around the world! I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you…so thank you! And feel free to write me; I would love to hear about what God is doing in your lives as well.

                   Sincerely, Dawn Marie


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

YWAM Base Vina del Mar, Chile
     Come August 13th, 2012, I will be boarding a plane in Atlanta, GA that will take me down to Santiago, Chile, from where I will catch a bus to Vina del Mar to work with the new YWAM base being constructed there! The base has been up and running since March of this year, beginning with a basic DTS (discipleship training school), and now expanding to two buildings instead of one (hence the construction)! I have no idea which one I will be living in, but I am anticipating helping with whatever I can to see everything up and running and ready for the School of Counseling this September! As a member of the staff, my duties will consist of translating and anything else that I will have time for. Please be praying for safety in travels in the beginnings of this new adventure!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

for a reason

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Ephesians 2:10, NIV Study Bible

If I may, I just want to quote what the footnotes of my study Bible says in reference to the above verse:

workmanship. The Greek for this word sometimes has the connotation of a "work of art."
Now, just read the beginning in its literal translation: "For we are God's work of art."

When I got the idea for naming this blog, I thought of how often we hear the word 'destined' when speaking of what we were meant to do or who we were meant to be. So much of life is based on figuring out our identity, who we are and what we were 'destined' to do. I'm obviously speaking from a secular standpoint here. God's Word, on the other hand, i.e., TRUTH, says something different about us. God tells us that He Himself DESIGNED us...
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139: 13-14
If I were to really stop and think about this, to think about how God, the Creator of the universe, made me, I would not be able to comprehend the depth of it all. But, I like thinking about it this way. That I was designed for God. He designed me for Himself. So in my most natural of being, I am for Him as He is for me. And He designed me for specific works for which He prepares me.
You and I were not an accident. We were designed uniquely, individually, and beautifully, all with the purpose of relating to our Creator. Instead if trying to figure out our destiny, let's figure out our identity in Christ, our nature that has been designed to reflect Him and His goodness.